Case Study : Financial Advisor for Everyone
Manage Your Life Better by Managing Your Money Effectively

by Bregga Tedy
Jun 9, 2017 • 4 min read

We called our app FINA — A Financial Advisor. FINA helps you to acquire your future plan by delivering smart financial advices with a relatively low cost and minimum effort.
One of FINA’s founder asked me to join her team to build a finacial product that will revolutionize the finacial industry. FINA aims to assist young couple or newlywed to invest their income into one of the most popular financial product, Reksadana. My job is to Designing a User Interface and do User Experience Research.
When I took this job, I was really lay about financial technology. To tell you the truth, I hold a bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering which was not related at all with this project. To accommodate this barrier, we as a team intensively conducted meeting at least thrice a week. As mostly my team didn’t understand about design development, my job was to interpret their idea into a great user experience and sleek interface.
First time I joined the team, they were already underwent research to determine the user, go-to market strategy, persona definition, etc, almost everything is already done but the UI and UX design.
Education budget plan is also include in the top three family priority, as a result of increasing in educational cost for almost 15.1% each year. Unfortunately, investor return rate projection in Indonesia is just 4.5%, because most of investors are likely to deposit their investment in form of cash, like saving or bank deposits, as a main investment asset.

We offered a digital financial advisor which is able to give the best investment advice for family. So that they can manage to fulfill their children educational budget using affordable fund. Our investment product has been verified by trusted institution in Indonesia.
We already has some customers, friends of one of our cofounder who works at financial company. So what we did is arranging survey questionnaire for them. We wanted to know whether they trusted digital financial system or not. The result is 80% of them trust it and already familiar with it to handle financial transaction. — It’s a green light !
Afterward, we conducted another survey to different user. This time, we asked them how they manage, invest, and spend their money. About 80% of them was still had no idea about investment plan, but sure they aware about it, and attempted to try it.
Next step is to design the app.
Based on our research, we’ll put our focus more on education fund. However, we sure that they also have other desires besides education fund, therefore we built General Investment Plan.

After users choose their investment goal and complete their data, FINA app will make a projection and calculation about their final investment value. Our app will let users to get a big picture about what they are gonna get if they invest their assets on us. Users are also able to choose how much amount they want to invest per month, the investment prediction result will be varied for each user based on economic forecast.
Users need to sign up first into our application to get more secure and comfortable services, it’s a mandatory to keep users’ experience better and safer while using our app.

Next step, you’ll be directed to financial profile page, which consists of various investment choices. You can choose by yourself, what kind of investment that meet your financial plan. Our intention is to bring flexibility to our users while investing their assets.

Dashboard is a page for users to manage their investment progress. We made it simple and easy to understand. We also enhance our app with consultancy features that are able to make users reach us to deliver their feedback. Anywise, the money is theirs, so they have right to get our best services.